The Board of Directors puts its future in the hands of the compromise partners

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ANDl Athletic puts the institutional order of the entity in the hands of its compromisers partners. The 1,206 delegates are summoned this Tuesday afternoon for an Extraordinary Assembly at the Euskalduna Palace The only item on the agenda will be the approval of the budget for the current season. The Board of Directors asks each of its partners a COVID fee of 85 euros to get closer to balance in a budget with 135,913,327 euros of income and 140,383,846 euros of expenses. The variation of the COVID quota is one of the few changes that he has articulated regarding the budget that the delegates rejected in October.

Board Board trusts to get ahead with the budget because, otherwise, the institution would be very affected, with the risk of resignations and even an advance of the elections announced for the end of the season. Elizegi is not the first president who has to resort to an extraordinary to carry out the budget, but if it does not lift the vote, it would become the first one to which the partners overthrow the budgets two consecutive assemblies it’s from the season.

Result of the votes on the budget in the last General Assembly.

The The result of the rojiblanco council, therefore, is decisive for the continuity of the institutional plans marked until the next election. President Elizegi wants to convene two more assemblies before June: the first of them to deal with the renewal of the Statutes, with a project and draft already outlined, and the second in reference to the animation stand.

The Meeting will start at 7.30pm and should not be extended in time since the changes that have been made with respect to the last budget have not been too many. Beyond the COVID fee, a variation in expenses has been included (replacement of lawn in San Mamés and rental of the Euskalduna Palace), the modification in the amortization section due to the foreseeable renewal of Raúl García when achieving the objectives agreed in his contract, a decrease in the use of provisions close to half a million euros and a higher income in the tickets section when projecting the remainder of the season to the consolidation of the total provision of the maximum capacity in the bleachers and central ring.

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