The Lisci formula for Levante and the worst streak in the history of the League: “I can tell you a thousand movies …”

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Alessio Lisci try to put order in the I raised to which just two weeks ago it landed from interim mode and it has already been confirmed as technician in charge to act the miracle of the salvation. The technician Italian from 35 years He lived a very hard day on Saturday after seeing his team put twice ahead on the scoreboard to end up losing the encounter (4-3). It could take a long week to prepare the sNext League match against Valencia (Monday, December 20, at 9 pm, in the Ciutat) but this Tuesday has a cCup commitment against Alcoyano: “Which annoying about the Cup is that you can’t train well. But we are a long squad and the further we go the better. He is the worst rival that could touch us, “explained Lisci at the press conference prior to the match against the Primera RFEF team.

Alcoyano is the worst rival that could touch us in the Cup “

Alessio Lisci

Levante is already the team with the worst streak in LaLiga history. They have not won 25 games (the 17 this season and the last 8 last season) and each game is a malay drop in the head of the footballers. Lisci authorship of no magic formula: “How to reset this? I can tell you a thousand movies, but no matter how hard we work this, we are not going to reset it. The players have it, it’s there and it shows. What we have to do is not reset it but live with it. And knowing how to guide him so that he adds us and does not subtract us, which is the most difficult thing. ”

How to reset this? What we have to do is not reset it but live with it

The granota coach lived a similar situation last season when promoted from youth to Atlético Levante for the bad results that ended with the dismissal of Luis García Tevenet.The subsidiary’s situation was even more difficult than this, we won the fourth match [de hacerse cargo del equipo]. We win 1-2 and changed the season completely. Does it remains to win a game. Somehow you have to do it and then we will see what this team is “, explains the technician who is very confident in the team’s options.

Levante wants to think about the derby now, but this Tuesday is the visit to Collao where Real Madrid was already eliminated last season. “Those of us who have gone through 2ªB are very clear about what it is to play there. intense, with big players, they play direct… they have a coach with a lot of time. His trajectory last year in the Cup shows that you have to do things there very well. ”

And then already think about the derby against Valencia, the League game that ends the year and that will probably become the frontier of the hopes of Levantinism: “Any match that comes we are clear that it is the match. Like the day of Osasuna or Espanyol. We are convinced that the derby is going to be the match. In the matches we are close to winning, that sooner or later has to change. The derby can be a very important game to reverse this. “

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